Today I walked with a dear friend and sister...she took me to a place that has flowing water (rare for these parts). A place called Bear Creek with babbling, dancing, clear, breathtaking, affirming, flowing water. There is still snow on the ground right now, though not for long. The sun was shining brilliantly, the song birds singing joyously for Spring is most assuredly here.
As we walked we talked about our yearning, our longing, the sense of urgency that comes from living in a global culture that has silenced something that, to us, feels as crucial as water, as air, as oxygen. We talked about the starvation we feel for the wild and free creative spirit and energy that is the feminine herself. 'How do we survive?' 'How can we continue to struggle with concepts like money and rent and profession, when all we care about is finding, celebrating and dwelling within Her?'
We acknowledged that so much of our daily thought and energy is taken up with our projection, onto other women in our community, of perfection. We imagine that other women have figured out the money thing, that other women have figured out the partnership thing, that other women are having regular mind-blowing, spiritually fulfilling, deeply honoring sexual encounters. And yet, I have not met a woman who truly has. For the last five years (really, for my whole life) I have been a woman to whom other women speak their Truth. It has just happened that way. And certainly that is why I am doing what I'm doing now: resurrecting and celebrating female Truth as if human survival depended upon this one task. I can say that despite appearances I have yet to meet a woman who is not struggling under the weight of urgency, of longing, of loneliness, of deep primal (primary) desire. This has become our common female odyssey, even if we refuse to acknowledge it.
And so, I am left, once again, wondering what might happen if all women committed to speaking our Truth. Really...if you knew you were alone in the forest, with only the songbirds and the trees to hear you, what would you utter? What burden would you lay down? What Truth rests heavy on your shoulders, or in your heart? What if you knew that the fate of the world rested upon your utterance of this familiar Truth? What if it were really that simple...what would you dare speak to the hills, to the birds, to the sky?
As my dear sister and I came to the end of our walk, we arrived at a spot on the trail that the sun had thawed. It was as inviting a spot as I've ever experienced. There we removed our shoes and socks and let our bare feet sink deep into the wet ground. The mud was thick and rich and warm. We walked and pranced and prayed in silence as the wet earth seeped up between our toes saying "Yes...this is yours. Now, what will you do with it?"
This moment, every moment, is yours and yours alone. You are here right now. Take off your shoes, sink your feet into the rich earth and let the mud seep deep. Speak loudly and assuredly...tell someone your Truth and do it as if all life depended upon the success of your endeavor...because dear sisters, it most assuredly does...