Many months ago, when the awareness of this trip made its way into my consciousness, I said ‘yes’ for several reasons. For the last several years I have tried to practice offering those thoughts and ideas that I perceive as ‘mine’ up to the world with no expectations that I have found an ‘answer’ or that I am ‘right’. It feels to me that, if they survive this trial by fire, if they still feel ‘true’ after they’ve been handled and passed around, then they are true. And also, in a bold departure from my cultural indoctrination, it has been my experience that truly co-created ideas are the strongest ideas. They are often ideas that not only blend the wisdom of the current cognizant generations but also those that have come before.
So, I said ‘yes’ to this walkabout because it felt as if it was time to simply offer this project up to everyone and anyone. It was time to leave home, hit the road, stop in towns we had never heard of until we bought the map. It was time to sit with women whom we had never met before that moment; time to invite each and every woman who was interested to join this conversation, offer their wisdom and step in as midwives. It felt like all this was crucial to the truth of this vision. And, with still one week to go, this trip has provided exactly this (and so much more that isn’t easily conveyed in words).
This trip has delivered a quickening and refinement of the vision, so much so that it feels as if the mission statement needs to be revisited.
This ‘project’ is less of an entity than it is a calling, an INVITATION. She is an invitation to all women to speak our truth and wisdom to each other. “What if one woman told the truth of her life?” asks Muriel Rukeyser. “The world would split open.” Yesterday I told my story to Janet Meek, midwife, earth-mama and revolutionary heart-centered female being. After I said my last words, blew my nose and looked up at her through teary eyes she said, “I feel like my heart has been split open.”
It is not that we must gather women’s stories. First and foremost, we must tell our stories.
Our stories, each and every one of them, are medicine. Each story provides us a way home.
The Global Culture of Women is an invitation for women to speak our Truth and Wisdom. It is a loom on which the great and gorgeous collective body of Women can weave the individual threads of our Female Wisdom and Truth together, creating a new tapestry of human consciousness.
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