This project started as a book. I began writing about the global culture of women, the feminine principle on the planet right now, as I was experiencing it all around me, wherever I went. It became obvious that the project, an invitation for women to speak what it is we know as if human survival depended upon us doing so, came out of that initial book. Well, now that the GCW has been full-steam-ahead for two years, now that women's stories are filling the database and communities are cropping up here in the US with plans to expand the invitation to make sure it reaches all women - as many as humanly possible - the book has come back. It's time to finish what was started. But it's not as simple as it seemed back then. One thing I have realized is that so much is at stake at this point but also, so much needs to be included. We have women's stories. Beautiful, powerful, courageous every-day women - who are the reason that human culture still exists on the planet - have offered their hearts and voices toward the weaving of a global tapestry of female power and celebration. And to truly capture what it means to be them, to be you, to be me, this book will have to include far more than our stories. Our stories are the intimate description of our experience. The offering that has the power to build indestructible bridges of Love between women, families, villages, even opposing countries and religions. A book that speaks to this fullness of feminine power power and celebration needs to include inquiries into how we're coupling, birthing and raising our children, building and sustaining thriving communities despite everything, how we're educating ourselves and each other, how women with assets are supporting those with visions, how women are re-shaping religion and returning to spirituality. And more, it must include material on both the optimal and realistic care and feeding of our female Souls. We need to tackle questions like, 'can the feminine survive within the nuclear family?' and 'How do women who are filled with vision truly earn a living without selling themselves out?' There is so much - and we're expecting your help! We're now asking for your thoughts, written or spoken, on all of the above and anything else you feel is pertinent to this endeavor. In essence, what might end up being created is a manifesto and bible for full, unabashed, wild and authentic female expression in the new millennium. Isn't about time something like that were offered?
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